
Machu Picchu

The crown jewel of South America–who hasn’t heard of Machu Picchu?–did not disappoint. There is a reason why it’s one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. It would be hard to overstate the grandeur of this ancient Inca city. Even for someone like me who is not a history buff, not usually drawn to ruins, it was breathtaking. There was just so much to wonder at. The stunning location, surrounded by the majestic Andes. The fact that it is over 600 years old and took over 50 years to complete. That the stones were cut to fit together perfectly, without the use of mortar. That it’s earthquake-proof.

The site can be reached either by hiking, or by train. I would have liked the challenge of hiking, but just didn’t think I had enough breath in me to trek uphill for 4 days, so I opted for the train.

Our train, running along the Urubamba River

It wasn’t completely easy-peasy even with the train though; there was still a 30-minute uphill walk that I really had to push myself through. But it was worth every breath!

17 responses to “Machu Picchu”
  1. Basia
    Would you kindly give me the contact information for the person that you made your tour reservations with for Machu Picchu?

    1. Hi Bev – I just sent you the info via WhatsApp.

  2. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Absolutely stunning… I can only imagine how wonderful it was in person. Loving this crazy trip you are taking !!!!!!!

    1. It’s definitely feeling like a crazy trip!

  3. Glorious! Thank you so much.

    1. Wish you were here enjoying it with me, Judy

  4. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    WOW factor to the nth degree! But wait what are those buildings with the high- pitched roofs doing there? That seems unusual for architecture in this part of the world.

    1. Our guide told us it is believed many of the buildings had these kind of thatched roofs, but most of the roofs did not survive the Spanish invasion.

  5. Larry Brown Avatar
    Larry Brown

    Are they not running the busses any more from the rail station town? Scary road, but better than the hike!

    1. Yes they are still running the buses to the entrance. The 30-min walk I was referring to was from the entrance to the top vantage point. It looked like that last picture in this entry.

      1. Hazel Mckay Avatar
        Hazel Mckay

        Thanks for taking one for the team, with the 30 mins of heavy breathing. Please write more, how long did you stay there.

  6. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Your photos really capture the awesomeness of these ruins!
    Luanne and I just returned from 2 weeks of birding Hawaii!
    Loved your unique hostel find, too! Right up my alley!

    1. Yeah, sometimes it seems that photos don’t do it justice, but I think these captured it pretty well. Wow, 2 weeks of Hawaii birding, fantastic! That must have expanded your life list significantly.

  7. Margret Avatar

    Unbelievable! Thank you for these awesome photos! I am so glad I get to experience this through your generosity.

    1. You’re welcome Margret, so glad to know you are enjoying them.

  8. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Thirty minutes? We hiked the Inca Trail for three days to get there! We did take the train back.

    1. Yeah I debated doing the Inca Trail, and decided it wasn’t for me. 30 minutes of climbing was good enough for me!