Lara, Water Fairy

Lara, the Water Fairy

Artwork by Chris Barry

Hello, and thanks for stopping by to the launch of my blog, Oceanview. I am about to embark on a 3-year adventure circumnavigating the globe with Life At Sea Cruises by Miray. This blog will document my journey.

When it was announced that the name of our ship would be Lara, a quick search of the name revealed that Lara means “water fairy” in Turkish. (The cruise company, Miray, is based in Turkey). The word also has Latin and Greek roots in protection and guidance. So it immediately brought visions in my head of water fairies dancing around our ship, guiding it as it traveled from port to port. And sprinkling some fairy dust along the way! I’m not much of an artist though, so I turned to my very talented friend Christine Barry for help in translating what was in my head, into this beautiful painting. I will be writing a lot more about MV Lara and the details of this journey, but wanted to start off with a little bit of whimsy!

Hope you can join me virtually on this amazing journey.

33 responses to “Lara, Water Fairy”
  1. Sharon Martinelli Avatar
    Sharon Martinelli

    Getting caught up on the trip. Can’t wait to follow along.

  2. Denise E Doris Avatar
    Denise E Doris

    Basia I will be following your travels and am so excited for you!

    1. Excellent! Happy to have you traveling along with me…

  3. Sharon Lanza Avatar
    Sharon Lanza

    Gorgeous painting!
    I still have posts from India (the colors!)- & probably some fromDown Under- thanks upfront for deciding to share your next adventure with us- your blogging is extraordinary! Excited for you & for the rest of us as you take us along your journey! May the water fairies bless you & protect you & make you laugh. ❤️😎

    1. Thanks Sharon, and happy to have you along on this journey.

  4. Basia, you never cease to amaze me! Love the elegant simplicity and organization of your blog, as well as the clarity of your writing style. I too started a blog, primarily to keep my friends updated on my travels (Gemini Odyssey) but alas it’s not Gemini, hence its on hold until I get my act together. I’m paralleling your adventures this year on commercial cruise lines. Maybe our paths will cross in the future.

    1. Rami – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you will join us on MV Lara one of these years!

  5. Loved the India series! Looking forward to hearing all about life at sea. What an adventure!.

    1. Joanne – all right! Another long-time follower! 🙂

  6. I so look forward to following your big adventures over the next three years. Happy travels!!

    1. Denise – looking forward to getting tips from you on Guyana – it’s one of my earliest stops. Hope to see you soon.

  7. I love the painting! So excited to follow your adventures!

    1. Isn’t it gorgeous? Now, I always think of you when I see your namesake ship! 🙂 Seems like AI still has a way to go (or at least, my attempts at using AI). Nothing like art done by a real human!

  8. Well, my friend you’re off again! I read India Ink, can’t wait for Ocean View! You’ve a gift for words and a gift for capturing life through a camera lens.
    Enjoy, ENJOY, E. N. J. O. Y. 🩷🩷🩷

    1. Thank you my friend. You and Shannon are two of my longest-running blog fans! So happy you’ll be following along with this one.

  9. Susan Lucas Avatar
    Susan Lucas

    So excited for you on this adventure and look forward to traveling along vicariously through your words and pictures. Bon voyage!

    1. Thanks Susan, happy to have you along.

  10. carlene kline Avatar
    carlene kline

    Beautiful painting! I love the symbolism and meaning for the vessel that is going to bring you on so many adventures. I look forward to tagging along via your blog.

    1. Carlene – I knew creative folk like you would appreciate it!

  11. Bo Mackison Avatar
    Bo Mackison

    Incredible adventures await. I’ll be tagging along!

    1. Hi Bo – happy to see you on here. As another avid photographer, I hope you will enjoy the visuals this journey will generate.

  12. Nancy MacDonald Avatar
    Nancy MacDonald

    I’m so excited for you as you set off on this great adventure, and look forward to seeing your images and reading your stories!

    1. Happy to know you will be riding along, Nancy!

  13. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Very beautiful painting Basia. Nice to have watched your process in imagining it and bringing it forth. I send you an invisible e-bottle of champagne to christen the vovage.

    1. Thanks Tereska! That’s right, you were there when I was trying my hand at using AI to generate this graphic. The results were less than steller…

  14. Shannon Clubb Avatar
    Shannon Clubb

    I am so excited ! For you on this trip and foe me to be able to virtually go along with you ! Always a fan , Shannon

    1. Thank you, my #1 fan!

  15. Kelley Taylor Avatar
    Kelley Taylor

    Love the painting and look forward to following your journey!

    1. Kelley – painting by one of your colleagues! Glad to know you will be following along.

  16. Tina Boulton Avatar
    Tina Boulton

    So happy to have found your blog and I will journey with you in spirit.
    Gorgeous art work Chris. One talented lady.
    Good luck with all your preparations. Can’t wait to see Lara.

    1. Hoping you can join us someday, Tina.

  17. Chuck Tarinelli Avatar
    Chuck Tarinelli

    All the best on this wonderful adventure!

    1. Thanks Chuck, happy to know you will be peeking in on the journey!