Off To The Canaries

With ship maintenance still in progress, they’ve decided to send us somewhere warmer than blustery Northern Ireland to wait it out. I am off to the Canary Islands, a chain of Spanish Islands off the coast of Africa.

I’m not mad about it. Any island with a bird name is ok with me. And yes, there really are special canaries in the Canary Islands. But the Canary Islands are named after dogs (canaris = Latin word for dogs). Canaries (the birds) are named after the islands, not the other way around. That’s your trivia fun fact for the day.

9 responses to “Off To The Canaries”
  1. Larry Brown Avatar
    Larry Brown

    Unrelated to the Canary Islands, but just curious. Did you ever get your money back from Life at Sea?

    1. I did. But only because I did all my payments on credit cards, so I was able to get them back via chargebacks.

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    What a nice little side jaunt! How long will you be there?

  3. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    I was just thinking about Africa the other day and that I don’t remember if you had ever visited there. Are they picking you up there or returning you to Belfast ?

    1. I have been to Africa, I did two safaris, in Kenya and Tanzania. After the Canaries, we are heading back to Belfast for launch.

  4. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    I don’t imagine it will be blustery there. Go with the flow or in this case go with the currents. As always safe travels.

    1. No bluster here. An occasional rainshower here and there.

  5. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Basia, very interesting!