
Sneak Peek at My Cabin

Back in Belfast, I made a trip to our ship to get some things I needed from my luggage (it’s being stored there so we don’t have to lug it around while we wait). I got a quick peek at my cabin—or villa, as it’s called—and didn’t want to leave. We are all waiting anxiously for the go-ahead to board.

My cabin
The Odyssey

Each time I go there, I feel like I’m visiting a sick friend in a hospital, waiting for them to be back on their feet again. Hope you feel better soon, our little Odyssey! In the meantime, I’ll be keeping myself busy during the downtime with some more traveling around UK, starting with a ferry ride to Scotland today.

19 responses to “Sneak Peek at My Cabin”
  1. Lane Preli Avatar
    Lane Preli

    Hi there, I simply couldn’t leave your website without saying that I appreciate the information you supply to your visitors. Here’s mine QU9 and I cover the same topic you might want to get some insights about Cosmetic Treatment.

  2. If the cabin is wider than the bed is long and the bed is moveable, I would definitely turn it so it is lengthwise to the window. That way you would be able to see out the window from the bed and imagine how wonderful it would be looking out from the bed at night at the amazing star display as you will be in many dark sky places. With the head of the bed to the window, it won’t be possible to look out and it would also be easier to get into bed than squeezing down that very narrow side path to the bed.

    If the bed is too long, then I’d move it against one wall giving a wider path on the opposite wall to access the bed and the bedside tables as they’d both be on 1 side and it would be wider. Plus then you could use pillows when you are awake to sit up and lean against the wall and look out the window. With the window at the head of the bed it’s not very possible to sit up in bed and lean against anything which you might do a fair amount as the chairs don’t look comfortable enough to hang in.

    I was surprised when VVR changed from their March 4 press release of doing a “…comprehensive refurbishments of all 480 staterooms, ensuring utmost comfort and style for every resident.” to in their June YouTube video saying all that was done to the cabins was “Villas are ready! Tv’s and coffee machines are installed, villas are cleaned, carpets changed”. I’d bring a plastic mattress cover and one of those microfiber envelope covers (you zip the entire mattress into the cover) since they didn’t change the mattresses.

  3. Karen Jelinek Avatar
    Karen Jelinek

    Looks awesome! Have fun in Scotland. Canʼt wait to meet you-soon(20th??)

    1. Yes! Although it’s no longer the 20th….but soon…

  4. Andrea Avatar

    Your cabin looks very nice. Hope our paths cross again. After you sail, I will check your itinerary.

    1. Me too Andrea!

  5. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    What a nice analogy, but a side trip to Scotland is not shabby at all. I ‘ll take Scotland for a 1000 please ,Alex.

    1. Nope, not shabby at all. At this rate, I’m going to see the whole world before ever setting foot on the ship.

  6. Your Zen attitude to these delays is inspiring!

    1. The Zen days are interspersed with days of angst..

  7. GREG MORROW Avatar

    The cabin seems tiny but it looks nicer than I anticipated.

    1. Yeah, it’s pretty small, 140 sq ft. It will be very cozy!

      1. Gordon Dow Avatar
        Gordon Dow

        The cabin hasn’t changed much since we sailed on it as the Braemar.

  8. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Oh, to sit up on that bed in the morning and look out onto the open ocean! What a way to start the day!

    1. Right?! That’s the dream that’s keeping me going …

  9. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    LOVELY! ♥️

  10. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Enjoy your ferry ride to Scotland!

    1. It was a very nice ferry, it almost seemed like a full-blown cruise ship rather than just a ferry.

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