

Stonehenge speaks for itself.

And look! There were birds! Mostly of the crow family, with a few starlings.

Carrion Crow
Eurasian Jackdaw

The structure sits in the middle of a vast meadow, with gorgeous thistles and other colorful wildflowers.

8 responses to “Stonehenge”
  1. I did an architectural project on it in design school. I’ve always wanted to go. A bit out of the way, isn’t it?

    1. It is a bit out of the way. I took a train, actually several trains, to get there. The connections were pretty smooth though.

  2. Beverly Avatar


    1. I think you would really like this place, Bev. In spite of the crowds, it was very calming.

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Wow, I thought they no longer allowed access this close to the structures. Terrific! When I was there in 78, it was easy to get too, but I thought in later years, they started to limit it. What great shots.

    1. They do limit it a bit; there is a thin rope that keeps people from getting too close. But it’s very unobtrusive and in my opinion does not detract at all. I was glad to see it, I’ve seen with other unprotected monuments, how there will always be at least one jackass who feels compelled to climb them, and then others follow. The distance from the rope to the stones varied as you walk around, but in some places it was actually pretty close to the stone. They also offer options at sunrise and sunset to go inside the circle, but that option is pretty expensive, so I don’t think too many people do it.

  4. You had a glorious day for this. I love all the species of corvids.

    1. It was an absolutely beautiful day. The clouds made the stones look even more glorious. And it was interesting that it was mostly covids there, only a couple other birds.

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