
Sto Lat Chrissy

While in Belfast waiting patiently for my ship to come in, I was treated to a visit from my darling niece Chrissy, who decided to celebrate her birthday in Belfast.

I didn’t have proper birthday candles for her, but I coaxed her into letting me videotape her blowing out the centerpiece candle at our dinner table. Or I thought I was videotaping it but apparently I neglected to tap the video button. Hate it when that happens. She humored me and allowed me to do a take two. (In my defense, my specialty is still photos, not videos. But it’s probably best you not ask me to videotape your wedding….)

This time next year, the cruise itinerary puts me in Japan. I am working on convincing her that should be her next birthday destination.

(Sto Lat, which translates to 100 Years, is a traditional way to express Happy Birthday in Polish).

9 responses to “Sto Lat Chrissy”
  1. Lovely! What was on the bday menu?

    1. I had something called dumplings, which I ordered because I thought they would be like pierogi. But they turned out to be more like uszka. Very tasty though, I am going back there tonight to get it again. And some excellent Pavlova. Chrissy said she wanted something typical N. Ireland cuisine, so she had the fish and chips.

  2. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    I don’t think anyone asks anyone to “videotape” these days. 🙂

    1. Thanks for dating me, Mr. Walker! My iphone calls it “video.” Is it the taping part you object to? 🙂

  3. Kate Hickman Avatar
    Kate Hickman

    Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin Chrissy!
    Cześć Barbara!
    Mam nadzieję, że wy dwoje świetnie się razem bawicie!
    Chodźmy na zewnątrz 😉

    1. Oh my goodness Kate, I am so impressed. Your Google Translate skills are fantastic! 🙂 🙂 Especially like the Chodźmy na zewnątrz part!

      1. That’s exactly what I told her! Haha

  4. Margret Avatar

    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

    1. International birthday greetings, I love it!

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