
A Bird In The Hand

Days 79-81: December 20-23 – Quito, Ecuador

A group of us bird lovers set off on an off-ship birding excursion in Quito, Ecuador. A highlight of the first day was tanagers and hummingbirds feeding from our hands in the Andean cloud forest. That’s me with a Masked Flowerpiercer on my hand.

Photo credit: Richard N.
Masked Flowerpiercer
Birders at work
Photo credit: Andy L.
Photo credit: Andy L.

In between birding, Alicia demonstrated for me the “Blue Steel pose.” I had never heard of Zoolander, but apparently this is a pose made famous by one of its characters, which involves looking directly into the camera with pursed lips and sucked-in cheeks. (I think I need some practice with the sucked-in cheeks part!)

Blue Steel Alicia
Photo credit: Andy L.
Blue Steel Basia
Photo credit: Andy L.

I’ll post the full bird gallery after the trip, but in the meantime, here is a tanager rainbow for you, from the Tandayapa Bird Lodge.

Summer Tanager
Glittering-green Tanager
Silver-throated Tanager
16 responses to “A Bird In The Hand”
  1. Entertaining

    1. I can sit and watch them all day!

  2. Alison Hilton Avatar
    Alison Hilton


    1. Thanks Alison. They really take my breath away sometimes.

  3. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    O The Birds!!!!
    How wonderful!!! A green bird!!! Wow!

    1. The green one almost looks like it’s painted, it was so vivid. But no, they are all very real.

  4. You are in your happy place. Wonderful to see.

    1. Yes, definitely my happy place. 🙂

  5. Kelley Taylor Avatar
    Kelley Taylor

    What a great experience this trip must be for you! Looks like you are having a fabulous time!

    1. It’s been a crazy journey, with lots of struggles in the beginning but right now it feels like it was worth the wait.

  6. What a magnificent way to spend the holidays! Merry Christmas from Fairlea Dr!

    1. Thanks Margret, hope all is well on Fairlea.

  7. Shannon Clubb Avatar
    Shannon Clubb

    i love the picture of you all looking ang photographing the birds… some had binoculars, you with you king Camera and the guy with the great pose holding a phone. The rainbow Tanagers – wow !!!!!! Do they come in all colors? that would be some picture !!!

    1. It would be really cool to get 5 or 6 of the different colored ones in one shot. I was able to get 3 different species at most.

  8. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    I could feel the sheer joy in the photo of you with the Masked Flowerpiercer!
    And the Tanagers! Ecuador is certainly THE place to bird!

    1. I was absolutely in paradise with that little bird in my hand. There were also a few hummingbirds that landed on my hand as well. I was mesmerized!

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