
Ballestas Islands

Day 94: January 4, 2025 – Ballestas Islands, Peru

The Ballestas, a collection of rocky islands off the south coast of Peru, are a spectacular wildlife haven. A group of us ventured there as a day trip from the port of Pisco, Peru.

This mysterious prehistoric geoglyph (giant image carved onto the surface of a rock) is 600 feet tall and cut two feet into the soil. It’s called the Candelabra of the Andes because of its resemblance to a chandelier. It is believed to date back to 200 BCE, but its purpose and creators are unknown.

Napping sea lion

I added another penguin species to my life list: the Humbold Penguin, found only off the coast of Peru and Chile.

Humboldt Penguin

Thousands of Peruvian Boobies make the cliffs their home (and make lots of stinky guano!)

Peruvian Pelican
En route to Ballestas Islands

Next stop: Matarani, Peru

9 responses to “Ballestas Islands”
  1. Next on my list of penguin species to track down in South America: Macaroni Penguin.

  2. What a wonderful place! I love the sleeping (smiling) sea lion and the young boobies.

    1. It’s been called the “Galapagos of Peru” because of the diversity of its wildlife. A stunningly beautiful place.

  3. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    Wow! Geoglyphs, Boobies, Penguins!!! So awesome! Loving your trip!! You are one lucky gal!

    1. I am indeed.

  4. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Wow! Just saw the Birds of Ecuador posting. Absolutely jaw dropping beauty in that country’s bird life! Glad you also got another species of your favorite, the penguin.

    1. Next on my list of penguin species to track down in South America: Macaroni Penguin.

  5. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    So peacefully beautiful. Ale trzeba chustke na glowe bo taki wiatr.

    1. To prawda. My hair ended up a rat’s nest because of the fierce wind.

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