Day 94: January 4, 2025 – Ballestas Islands, Peru
The Ballestas, a collection of rocky islands off the south coast of Peru, are a spectacular wildlife haven. A group of us ventured there as a day trip from the port of Pisco, Peru.
This mysterious prehistoric geoglyph (giant image carved onto the surface of a rock) is 600 feet tall and cut two feet into the soil. It’s called the Candelabra of the Andes because of its resemblance to a chandelier. It is believed to date back to 200 BCE, but its purpose and creators are unknown.
I added another penguin species to my life list: the Humbold Penguin, found only off the coast of Peru and Chile.
Thousands of Peruvian Boobies make the cliffs their home (and make lots of stinky guano!)
Next stop: Matarani, Peru
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