
A Sobering Day At Sea

Day 157: March 4, 2025 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tonight, the Odyssey is racing at full throttle to the nearest port to get help for a crew member who had a medical emergency. A plan to do a helicopter evacuation had to be scrapped so now we are heading as close as we can to the Rio de Janeiro dock. There are no berths available in port (it’s peak Carnival season in Brazil) so a pilot boat is meeting us at sea to help with the rescue.

A pilot boat running alongside us
The Rio de Janeiro skyline at night. The small white dot at the top of the hill is the famous Christ the Redeemer statue
6 responses to “A Sobering Day At Sea”
  1. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    Hope the crew member got help and is on the mend. Not sure if Rio de Janero was on the list but what a beautiful sight. And seeing the “Light on the hill”… Awesome!
    God speed

    1. We are in Rio de Janeiro now, and it’s pretty crazy here (end of Carnival). Planning to do some touring over the next couple days.

  2. And best wishes to the crew member. I hope someone was able to accompany him — terrifying to be alone in a hospital in a strange country where you maybe know the language or maybe not.

    1. Yes, a staff person accompanied them. Last I heard, he was in stable condition.

  3. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    Wow! God speed to these brave rescuers ♥️

    1. I was watching the rescue from an upper deck and the whole thing was pretty amazing.

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