A Perfect Day

If I had to describe what would be a perfect day in my life, it would be this:

A stroll through the streets of Falkland Islands on a gloriously beautiful day. Warm sun and cool breeze on my face. The shimmering sea on one side, picturesque homes on the other. Seeing and hearing birds I have not seen before. Watching a thousand penguins posing on a beach.

This is especially sweet because on our previous cruise, the Falkland Islands stop had to be cancelled because of bad weather. Today, the weather could not be any better, if I had ordered it myself.

“You live in a magnificently beautiful place,” I say to two local men chatting in their driveway.

“Oh, it’s almost never like this,” they say. “This time of year, it’s usually high winds and sleet. So if you’re going to bring weather like this with you, you keep coming around, ok?”

Warmed even more by their words (to tourists who undoubtedly must be a nuisance to them sometimes), I continue my stroll of this beautiful land. Sometimes, life seems almost unbearably beautiful.

8 responses to “A Perfect Day”
  1. Lovely

  2. Hazel Mckay Avatar
    Hazel Mckay

    You definitely ceased the day. Right time, on the right day and the right equipment to chapter the moments. 🙂

    1. Yes it was!

  3. Your joy is catching and I am so grateful for your happiness and mine,

  4. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    What a beautiful vignette–both the one created by your words and by your pictures. Thank you.

    1. Nie ma zaco!

  5. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Maybe a locale you could call home for a few years? At least, you’ll always have it as a “happy place.”

    1. It’s definitely one I’m adding to my list of happy places.