
A Thousand Fools

{This entry was originally posted on Facebook on May 2, 2023.}

This adventure has generated international publicity. None made me chuckle more than this writeup from the Financial Times, which predicts nothing but doom and gloom for the voyage. This is one person who won’t be going on our cruise. Way to bring us dreamers back down to earth! I agree with everything she’s saying. And I can’t wait to be one of those fools…

[A heads up: This seems to be a paid subscription web site. From what I can tell, it will let you access the article once, but if you accept their cookies, it locks you out unless you subscribe.]

“When the [ship] sails, it will be a petri dish for the study of human dreams versus disappointment…Thirty-foot waves will harass the ship. Passengers will harass the captain if the Starlink satellite WiFi connection collapses. Instagram followers will disengage as enthusiasm for photographs of ocean horizons dwindles. Factions will develop. Mutiny may be threatened… Where will they find 1,074 fools for this ship…?”
How Far Would You Go In Pursuit of Happiness?

5 responses to “A Thousand Fools”
  1. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    to of the writer of the doom and gloom I say “what’s your point? stuff happens on land too. In Taoism, one does not try to “avoid” but to go with the flow. The other day during a severe rain storm here in Vermont, the power (and therefore the internet) went out. My daughter said, “let’s have a sit and tell each other life stories we have never told. After an hour and the power returning, we were having so much fun we continued without any devices for a while longer.

    1. I love this story! This would make a great activity for the next Buko Bash! And yes, the plan is to go with the flow.

  2. Jim Cremer Avatar
    Jim Cremer

    Ha! Hadn’t seen that article. Fun quote 😂

    1. It is, isn’t it. I’m embracing being one of the 1000 fools.

      1. Jim Cremer Avatar
        Jim Cremer
