
All Birds, All Day

I’ve been a bit disappointed with how few birds I’ve seen in Ecuador. Even on the farm, which seemed like an ideal environment for bird life, there were only a few species, mostly hummingbirds.

So for the next 4 days, I’m switching gears and going all out on the birding front. I will be staying at a lodge that is a birding hotspot, Refugio Paz De Las Aves (Bird Refuge), and have signed up for daily field trips that are specifically for us twitchers. The days will begin at 5:30 AM and will continue into the night for owl-spotting. No more getting distracted with turquoise waters, snow-capped volcanoes, or giant tortoises. The next 4 days are going to be a birding marathon!

I consider it a good omen that this Blue-winged Mountain Tanager was pecking at my window when I arrived at the lodge.

It’s especially appropriate because today is Global Big Day for us birders, an annual event where birders all around the world are encouraged to submit their checklists as a celebration of the birds around us. I’ll be doing my part!

2 responses to “All Birds, All Day”
  1. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Can’t wait to see what you find. That Tananger is beautiful. Enjoy!!!

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    If that exquisite Blue-Winged Mountain Tanager is any indication of things to come, you are in for four days of euphoria!

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