
Antarctic Flyers

I’ve been snapping lots of pictures of birds. These are two of my favorites. Two Black-browed Albatrosses glide in perfect synchrony over Antarctic waters. Photo taken from my cabin balcony.

From a distance, some of us mistook this colony of Imperial Cormorants for penguins, until we saw them flying off (penguins don’t fly).

4 responses to “Antarctic Flyers”
  1. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Very nice shot of the pair.

    1. They’re gorgeous, aren’t they.

  2. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Those seagulls – wow- what a magnificent picture!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks! It’s one of my favorites. And the best part was that I was just standing on my balcony when they glided by.