
Around the World Cruise, Take 2

I’ve been vagabonding around South America for 7 months and have a wealth of adventures and memories to show for it.

But that around-the-world-cruise dream just wouldn’t die.

So this week, I will be reviving it. Different cruise, same concept: circumnavigate the globe. Villa Vie’s Odyssey will set sail from Belfast, Northern Ireland, where she is currently getting a makeover. I’m in London, on my way to join the launch in Belfast later this week.

Still a bit battle-scarred from the last attempt, so I’m being more cautious this time, buying the journey in segments, but the plan is to complete the whole thing. Keeping my fingers crossed that this one will have a better outcome. World, here I come…

The Odyssey – photo from Villa Vie website
30 responses to “Around the World Cruise, Take 2”
  1. Anna C from L@S Avatar
    Anna C from L@S

    Basha, Good for you. I want to get my money back before I am willing to sign up with VV or any other, but I will be checking your blog and getting vicarious adventures. Wishing you a wonderful time. Safe Travels! Best wishes, Anna

    1. Thanks Anna. Yeay, I was one of the lucky ones, I got all my money back through chargebacks. I don’t think I would have been able to sign up for this one, if I hadn’t. Hope you can join us at some point!

  2. Joan L Avatar
    Joan L

    Fantastic!!! I’m so glad another round the world cruise has arisen for you. I’m crossing fingers for you again. Second time will be the charm!

    1. I sure hope so. I don’t think I have it in me, to go through this a third time!

  3. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Great news!

    1. Indeed it is. It will be even better when we actually set sail.

  4. Margret Avatar

    Wishing you calm seas!

    1. Thanks Margret, we’ll need them!

  5. Somehow, I lost you and now you are found. I’m anxiously awaiting the next episode.

    1. Me too!

  6. Joanne D Felzer Avatar
    Joanne D Felzer

    How exciting for you and those of us who live vicariously with you!

    1. Happy to have so many vicarious travelers!

  7. Beverly Avatar

    See ya

    1. Yes! But that’s two words, Bev… 🙂

  8. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    Go get ‘em Basia! This ☘️ Girl finds it apropos that you start this next leg off on a 💚 note! Bon Voyage to my favorite World Traveler!

    1. Yes, I will consider it good luck, and will think of you…

  9. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    The luck of the Irish will be with you this cruise!
    So thrilled for you….
    Going for that life list of 10,000 birds, aren’t you?

    1. Gonna try for it! Just 9,100 more to go…

  10. Shannon Avatar

    I am soiooo excited Basia!!!!!!! We are all going on a cruise !!!! Well some of us from out couches !

    1. Couch-cruising is a a very comfy way to do it! You won’t even need any sea-sickness pills…

  11. See you on board, we join for a month at Quebec. We will be in cabin #6066

    1. Yes, definitely see you then.

  12. Rami Mina Avatar
    Rami Mina

    Yeah Basia, I knew you would come out smelling like a 🌹. Segments seem wise at this point. I have my fingers crossed for all of you.

    1. Kruszewska Barbara Avatar
      Kruszewska Barbara

      Rami! You will be joining also, right?

  13. See you on board, we join for a month at Quebec. We will be in cabin #6066

    1. Kruszewska Barbara Avatar
      Kruszewska Barbara

      See you then, Hazel

  14. pat patrick Avatar
    pat patrick

    So excited to meet you – I too am on Villa Vie starting the 30th and have been following you since the crash of my dreams too with Life at sea! I am cabin 6065 in case we miss each other!

    1. Hi Pat, yes, I’m looking forward to meeting you in person also. See you in a few days…

  15. Gary Macdonald Avatar
    Gary Macdonald

    I only have one word for you about this: dinner in Paris

    1. LOL LOL. ‘Tis true. I fully intend to honor my bets. We are scheduled to be in Paris on June 8. Just go ahead and make your Michelin reservation. (Although, she hasn’t sailed YET!)