
I keep pinching myself. This grand adventure, the preparation for which has consumed my life for the last 8 months, has finally begun. Or at least, the pre-adventure has begun. Not quite ready for cruising, but ready for a month of exploring a country I have heard so much about. Today’s highlights include:

–My first in-person meeting with a fellow shipmate, who is on the same flight from JFK to Istanbul.

–On the plane, watching the flight tracker make its way across the Atlantic, and thinking that in a month, if all goes according to plan, I will be making this transatlantic crossing in the opposite direction, but in a very different vessel.

–Easiest breeze through customs; they barely glance at our luggage, simply waving us along. (I know there are several readers on here who will be arriving later. Here’s a tip: Don’t bother getting your Turkish visa online, get it when you arrive at the airport. It’s $51 online, only $30 at the airport.)

–At the airport, being met by friendly airport greeters from the cruise, who whisk us away to our hotel.

–A sweet boutique hotel in the center of town. This is the view from my window.

–Realizing my first mistake: packing all my plug adapters in the boxes shipped to Miami, and forgetting to bring one with me to Turkey. Two of my shipmates come to my rescue, sharing their adapters with me. I am grateful for my new ship family looking out for me.

I am exhausted from the 17 hours of travel, but so looking forward to wandering the streets of Istanbul with my camera in tow.

6 responses to “Arrived”
  1. This is such a cool adventure. I’m just catching up on all the posts. Glad you get to explore Istanbul for a bit before the water journey!

    1. Hi Jennifer, yes, I am glad to have a few weeks to explore Turkey in leisure.

  2. Thanks, Basia, for your updates and for your positive inputs on the LaS f-page. We’ve been following all the changes for the last year with the intention of joining in the future. We have a lot of faith in Kendra and this project and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful trip! The delay is just a small hiccup and maybe a blessing in disguise. I can’t imagine a more fascinating place to hang out in for that length of time than Istanbul. We’ve been there 3 times and love it.
    If you’ve never been there before I recommend a Hamam to recover from your long flight. I’ve been to Cağaloğlu Hamam (google it) and would highly recommend it! You’ll feel like a new person afterwards!
    Also, if you have the ability, I recommend going inland to Cappadocia and do a Hot Air Balloon ride for a once in a lifetime experience. The topography there is out of this world and you’ll get some amazing pictures!
    I’m looking forward to more updates about your experiences!

    1. Hi Inger, thanks for the tips. Yes, a hamam is definitely on my list of things to do while I’m here, as is Cappadocia, sometime in the coming weeks. I’m glad to have the extra time to explore the country.

  3. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Basia, you are a marvel! Bringing us along with you every step of the way. I feel your excitement and imagine the magicalness of being in a place such as Istanbul. Blessings.

    1. Happy to have you along, Tereska!