
Back on the Bus Again

After three weeks in Bolivia, I hopped back on the bus to my next destination: Peru. This was a 17-hour journey, with one transfer and a border crossing. Fortunately, the border crossing was much easier than the one into Bolivia.

Bus that took me from Copacabana, Bolivia, to Cusco, Peru

I’m becoming intimately familiar with bus stations all over South America. Where to find the luggage storage place. Make sure to pay the terminal tariff before boarding, if you don’t want to miss your bus. Which lines have the best reclining seats. How much it will cost to pee. Bolivia is all about their pay-to-pee/poop plan; there is no such thing as a free toilet. I think it’s their main source of income. Instead of a receipt, you are given a couple squares of toilet paper.

Bus terminal in Puno, Peru
6 responses to “Back on the Bus Again”
  1. Good information. Thanks

    1. You’re welcome!

  2. Pat Patrick Avatar
    Pat Patrick

    Gosh I love your blog ! Make me laugh so much! I so wish you were going on VVR and so sad I never meet you on LAS!

    1. Thanks Pat, glad to hear you are enjoying it. Yeah there are moments when I am wishing I was going on VVR also…

  3. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    From my recollection, you shouldn’t expect anything better re: toilets in Peru. Be safe! If you’re gastrointestinally unlucky, and couple of squares won’t seem like much.

    1. That does seem to be the case…