Best-Kept Secret for Nature Lovers: Bolivia

If you like your traveling easy and luxurious, Bolivia is probably not for you. It is South America’s poorest and least developed country. But if you are a nature lover, and you like your nature in the raw, it is a best kept secret.

I did a 3-day off-road tour and was absolutely enchanted. 500 miles of Andes mountains. Volcanos, fumaroles, lagoons, hot springs, llamas, strange rock formations. Bolivia has everything except a coastline (and they have never forgiven Chile for taking that away from them in 1904!) Here is a sampler of the scenery.

Taking in the breathtaking scenery
Snow-covered volcano and flamingos
Polychrome mountains
Evening light casts a beautiful glow on flamingos in a lagoon
Photographing the photographer
Rainbows seemed to follow us around on the trip
Fields of quinoa, a main Bolivian agricultural product
Soaking in a hot spring
Fumaroles – holes in a volcanic area that allows hot smoke and gases to escape
One of many lagoons
This is what the road looked like for most of our trip.
Let’s just say it was a bumpy ride.
The four cans on the roof contain diesel. They had to last us for three days; there were no petrol stations where we were going.

If you are considering traveling to Bolivia, I highly recommend this tour by Andes Salt Expeditions (I booked through TripAdvisor). The cost was only $250, which included two nights lodging, all food, transportation, and an excellent guide. Best deal ever.

18 responses to “Best-Kept Secret for Nature Lovers: Bolivia”
  1. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Wow! Thanks, for the tour, that was great.

    1. You’re welcome!

  2. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Spectacular every shot. No worries because you have 10 years to see it all. Bolivia is leaving the light on for you.

  3. Vast, exotic and enchanting, especially through your camera lens. Thank you.🙏

    1. So glad you are enjoying it, Cathy.

  4. Thank you Basia! What a feast for the eyes!!

    1. It truly was. A photographer’s dream.

  5. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Wow- parts of the world we probably won’t ever see. Thank you !

    1. Happy to be sharing them with you virtually, dear Shannon.

  6. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Great pictures! No gas stations! Wow!

    1. I know! A bit scary, but we made it without running out of diesel.

  7. Breathtaking. Thanks as always for the fabulous photos.

    1. Always happy to know you are enjoying them, Judy.

  8. Well done

    1. Thanks Beverly. I know you’re coming right behind me, hope you get to experience some of this beauty also.

  9. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Looks absolutely phenomenal. So many aspects of natures’ beauty.

    1. It’s amazing when you think about it, how such a small country could have so much beauty packed into it.