
Birds of Key West

Key West is rich in bird life. This isn’t quite the best time of year for birdwatching but even so I added a few new birds to my life list.

By far the most spectacular were the aptly-named Magnificent Frigatebirds, with their 7-foot wingspan. Dry Tortugas National Park had a colony of hundreds of them, doing acrobatics over a small island.

Magnificent Frigatebirds (with a few pelicans)

When not in flight, males inflate their bright red pouches to attract females.

Another lifer for me was the Black Skimmer, named after its style of feeding by skimming the surface of the water. They look like they don’t have eyes, which are just small vertical slits.

Black Skimmers
White Ibis
Spotted Sandpiper
Common Tern
Ruddy Turnstone
Great Blue Heron
Brown Pelican

And of course you can’t help but notice the chickens and roosters running around everywhere. What cats were to Istanbul, poultry is to Key West. This guy kept us company as we brunched at Banana Cafe.

15 responses to “Birds of Key West”
  1. These are wonderful Basia. I was charmed by frigates in Galapagos. I especially liked the heart shaped red pouches. ❤️

    1. Those pouches are pretty cool. Next, I’m hoping to spot one of those blue-footed boobies that you got to see in Galapagos!

  2. Margret Roberts Avatar
    Margret Roberts

    Beautiful! Winter has not even officially started, and I long for sunshine and colorful birds. Even the woodpeckers are hiding.:-)

    1. Oh dear. Sending you some sunshine. There is more than enough of it here in Argentina!

  3. Nicely done

    1. Thanks Beverly. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

  4. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Just a gentle reminder that the Audubon Christmas Day Bird Count in Port Aransas is the place to be in December. The official days of the count is December 20 this year. If you get on a Greyhound bus now, you can make it. Here is the link


    and the link to Greyhound. I’ll come and get you back. It’s 4 hours.

  5. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Great shots!

    1. Thanks Ron. Love having you in the audience, and especially appreciate your commenting!

  6. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    The Black Skimmers are so striking, such a unique bill!
    So awesome that you got photos of the Magnificent Frigatebirds with their pouches inflated!
    Beautiful photos of all the species. Thank you so much for sharing!!

    1. Thanks Elaine. Today, in Buenos Aires, I added four new birdies to my life list. Hope to post some of those soon.

  7. Love your posts!!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, for being an appreciative audience.

  8. Judy Slein Avatar
    Judy Slein

    Great photos! I love the Skimmers with their stubby legs.

    1. They’re pretty cute, aren’t they.