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Birds of South America

This trip has been a jackpot for birding: I’ve added over 100 new bird species to my life list, from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Falkland Islands, and Antarctica. Here is a selection of 57 for which I was able to get good photos.

This one goes out especially to my Rochester birding buddies. I’m looking at you, Judy, Luanne, Bob, and Elaine (as well as Kris and Kerrie). Wish you were here with me to enjoy these beauties.

Double-collared Seedeater
Saffron Finch
Rufous-bellied Thrush
Picazuro Pigeon
Shiny Cowbird
Rufous-collared Sparrow
Red-crested Cardinal
Cattle Tyrant
Sayaca Tanager
Rufous Hornero
Magellanic Cormorant
Neotropic Cormorant
Imperial Cormorants
Creamy-bellied Thrush
Chiguanco Thrush
Austral Thrush
Silver Teal
Maguari Stork
Kelp Goose
Upland Goose
Southern Lapwing
Wattled Jacana
Antarctic Tern
Black-faced Ibis
Black Skimmer
Rockhopper Penguin
Gentoo Penguins
King Penguins
Magellanic Penguins
Dolphin Gull
Franklin’s Gull
Red-fronted Coot
Red-gartered Coots
Black-browed Albatross
Brown Skua
Chalk-browed Mockingbird
Buff-winged Cinclodes
Golden-billed Saltator
Yellow-billed Pintail
Southern Giant Petrel
Magellanic Oystercatcher
Great Kiskadee
Rosy-billed Pochard
Cordilleran Canastero
Patagonian Mockingbird
Diuca Finch
Eared Dove
Grayish Baywing
Long-tailed Meadowlark
Crested Duck
Nanday Parakeet
Monk Parakeet
Crested Caracara
Chimango Caracara
Tropical Kingbird
Andean Condor

There were 46 others added to my life list that I either didn’t get a good picture of, or recorded audio only:

  1. Grassland Yellow-Finch
  2. Austral Blackbird
  3. Chucao Tapaculo
  4. Dolphin Gull
  5. Flying Steamer-Duck
  6. Great Grebe
  7. Chivi Vireo
  8. Streaked Flycatcher
  9. Sooty-fronted Spinetail
  10. Yellow-chinned Spinetail
  11. Bananaquit
  12. Wren-like Rushbird
  13. Cocoi Heron
  14. Common Tern
  15. Snowy-crowned Tern
  16. Arctic Tern
  17. Brown-hooded Gull
  18. Kelp Gull
  19. Lake Duck
  20. Narrow-billed Woodcreeper
  21. Campo Flicker
  22. Rufous-sided Crake
  23. Guira Cuckoo
  24. Mourning Sierra Finch
  25. Southern Giant-Petrel
  26. White-rumped Swallow
  27. White-faced Whistling Duck
  28. Picui Ground Dove
  29. White-crested Tyrannulet
  30. Gilded Hummingbird
  31. Brown-chested Martin
  32. Bare-throated Bellbird
  33. Tropical Parula
  34. Black and rufous Warbling Finch
  35. Yellow-chevroned Parakeet
  36. Small-billed Elaenia
  37. White-tipped Dove
  38. Southern Yellowthroat
  39. Green-winged Saltator
  40. Hooded Siskin
  41. Golden Crowned Warbler
  42. European Starling
  43. White-crested Tyrannulet
  44. Chalk-browed Mockingbird
  45. Common Myna
  46. Giant Wood Rail
12 responses to “Birds of South America”
  1. Avenue 17 Avatar
    Avenue 17

    Your idea is brilliant

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Basia, you have been holding out on us! HA! Those are a lot of adrenaline inducing
    birding “highs”! So thrilled that you’ve been blessed with these sightings!
    Muchas gracias for sharing!

    1. Yes, it’s been a great year for birding. Should get even better soon, I’m hoping to add Galapagos to my itinerary next month.

  3. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Fav pictures… black-browed Albatross, Andean Condor and Upland Geese… What great shots of these magnificent birds!!!! Loved seeing them all !

    1. The albatross are my favorites too. And the geese look like they’re marching to a drummer, don’t they?

  4. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    so Basia what’s your total count and how many more do you need to see to make a complete list.

    1. I have 714 on my list so far. There are approximately 10,000 species in the world. So only 9,286 to go… 🙂

  5. Thanks for posting all these wonderful photos. I’m so glad you are getting the chance to see these gorgeous birds.

    1. Hazel Mckay Avatar
      Hazel Mckay

      Hear hear well said Judy. Basia is generous with her sharing of her world 🌎 Especially for some of us that cannot do the rough or long hikes or the long sitting quietly to get the shot. Good to see the wonders that are captured with her lens.

    2. Hazel Mckay Avatar
      Hazel Mckay

      Hear hear well said Judy. Basia is generous with her sharing of her world 🌎 Especially for some of us that cannot do the rough or long hikes or the long sitting quietly to get the shot. Good to see the wonders that are captured with her lens.

      1. Hazel – so glad to know you are enjoying them. Yes, there is definitely a lot of “sitting quietly to get the shot” involved!

    3. Judy – I am really getting maximum use out of that camera!