
Moving on to country #14 on my journey—Colombia—with some scenes from its capital city, Bogotá.

View from the city’s highest point, Mount Monserrate
Hundreds of colorful murals are scattered throughout the city
Seems like every major city has one of these umbrella streets now!
Angel Trumpet Tree
Juggler entertaining drivers during a traffic stop
8 responses to “Bogotá”
  1. Shannon Avatar

    What a colorful city ! I love that Angel Trumpet Tree!!!

  2. Beverly Avatar


  3. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    I love street art. Great photos!

    1. Me too. I’m always enchanted by it.

  4. Chris Barry Avatar
    Chris Barry

    Why can’t we see such amazing grafitti in the northern hemisphere?

    1. Ron Walker Avatar
      Ron Walker
      1. Oh these are gorgeous!

    2. Sadly, there was plenty of non-artistic graffiti here in Bogota also. Some of it was spray painted over the beautiful murals.

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