Bolivia Love-Hate

I seem to be having a love-hate relationship with Bolivia. My first impression, the salt flats, was fantastic; one of my favorite travel experiences ever. Then the high altitude brought me to my knees and breathing became a chore. While I was down with that, the merciless hills of La Paz devoured whatever little oxygen I had left, making me anxious to leave that city. My next stop, beautiful Lake Titicaca gave me respite from the city and made me love Bolivia again. Until my laptop died. No such thing as a computer store here at 12,000 feet; the closest would be back in La Paz, a 4-hour bus ride away, or Cusco, Peru, 9 hours away.

Just as I was contemplating which big city I should head to, I switched to different hotel, and fell in love with the new one. Now I want to settle in and stay for at least another week. Or maybe, a month. But not without my laptop. So trying to figure out my next move.

I’ll write more about why I love this new lodging so much, in the next post. Blogging via my cell phone is a lot harder than from my laptop, especially since I can’t access pictures from my camera without a laptop.

View of Lake Titicaca from my window
3 responses to “Bolivia Love-Hate”
  1. What a bummer! Can’t wait for your next post about your new digs though😊

  2. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Maybe there are mobile computer support vans or trucks that make house calls. Just a thought.

    1. I wish. No such thing up here in the highlands.