Book Beauty

Sometimes, you gotta love the power of social media. I posted a blog entry from Belfast, Northern Ireland, while waiting for my cruise to launch. My dear friend Pam, who lives in North Dakota (so I don’t get to see her very often!) was on her way to Dublin, Ireland when she saw my post and reached out. We were able to quickly arrange a meetup in Dublin.

Pam and her travel companion Connie suggested a visit to the Old Library at Trinity College Dublin, something that wasn’t even on my radar. All three of us are book-lovers, and Connie was a librarian, so I didn’t hesitate to join them. We were rewarded with some stunningly beautiful exhibits.

Basia, Connie, Pam
Spiral staircase in room of Old Library
Gaia artwork by Luke Jerram

Pages from the Book of Kells, a 1,200 years-old manuscript that was the focus of this exhibit.

Immersive digital experience
Photo of me by Connie
10 responses to “Book Beauty”
  1. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Wow! Wow! Wow!

  2. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    Wow, your photos surpass any that I’ve seen before! What an excellent serendipity, Basia! With a librarian, no less 😍😍😍

    1. I know! It must be the luck of the Irish rubbing off on me.

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    For something like this, I might reconsider my self-imposed ban on travel to Europe. It all looks spectacular!

    1. Looking forward to the lifting of that ban!

  4. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    I love it!!!!!!!

  5. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Wow, what a treat. I’d love to see that place.

    1. Highly recommended.

  6. Pam Matchie-Thiede Avatar
    Pam Matchie-Thiede

    I love it when the universe gives us a nudge.

    1. Yes, this little nudge was definitely much appreciated.

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