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Breakfast With Tortoises

My visit to the Galapagos Islands began with a week of volunteer work (thanks for the tip, Michelle!) with Purex Galapagos Foundation, a group on San Cristobal Island whose mission is to safeguard the fragile Galapagos ecosystem.

My first shift was with the Galapagos Tortoise Breeding Center, where baby tortoises are hatched and taken care of until they can be released into the wild. Tourists are instructed to never feed the tortoises; but our job as volunteers was to prepare a meal for them. That started with chopping down their favorite food, this leafy green plant with giant leaves. That’s me wielding a machete!

We then carried the leaves in bundles to designated spots in the forest. The tortoises can smell the food and immediately begin to congregate.

Other chores at this site included draining, cleaning, and refilling their watering holes, which the staff refer to as “turtle jacuzzis.”


A couple doing their thing!

Baby tortoises at the hatchery.

11 responses to “Breakfast With Tortoises”
  1. Fulfilling

  2. Groovy

  3. Kelley Taylor Avatar
    Kelley Taylor

    What an amazing adventure for you!

    1. It certainly has been…

  4. Sharon Lanza Avatar
    Sharon Lanza

    My one regret of my trip to Ecuador & Peru was not visiting the Galapagos but you had to have reservations far in advance. So wonderful to see you there!

    1. I remember you talking about your trip, so many moons ago!

  5. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    Such a great life…thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Debbie – I’m definitely enjoying it.

  6. You handle that machete pretty well!

    1. Why thank you!

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