
Brilliant Heather and Rugged Cliffs

My favorite spot in Wales was a nature reserve in its northwest corner, Ynys Lawd South Stack. Green rolling hills covered with brilliant heather mixed in with rocky cliffs dropping off into the sea.

The cliffs are home to thousands of sea birds, including murres (below), guillemots, puffins, and razorbills. Puffins breed here mostly in May and June, although there were a few left in the water.

Getting to the South Stack lighthouse gave me a good workout: over 400 stone steps to get down the cliff, a few dozen more to get to the top of the lighthouse, then 400 steps back up the cliff. My FitBit told me I climbed 53 floors that day. No wonder I was exhausted!

10 responses to “Brilliant Heather and Rugged Cliffs”
  1. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Colorful and beautiful!

  2. Beverly Avatar


  3. The heather is stunning!

    1. It really was. The color was just so brilliant, and it stretched everywhere.

  4. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Postcards moments each one of your pix.

    1. Yeah this was one beautiful spot.

  5. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Bless you, Basia! I would have looked at those stairs and surrendered! 🙂
    Interesting reading about past lighthouse keepers there.
    Prolific breeding colonies for some awesome species and the heather is dazzling against the rocks and greenery.

    1. There were several times when I was ready to surrender! But beyond a certain point, you just keep saying, well I got this far, can’t quit now!

  6. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld


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