
Bushwhacking Birthday

Day 2 of volunteer work at the Galapagos Tortoise Center consisted of four hours of bushwacking — clearing brush, grass, and small trees. The goal was partly to remove invasive (non-native) species, partly to clear trails for visitors, as well as for the turtles wandering around the land.

The critique I received about sharpening my machete was that I was sharpening it like I was playing a violin, so clearly there is some room for improvement there.

Ready for action!

The motley crew that made it happen: Suzy, Dylan, Sara, Basia, Arial.



It was brutal work — we came home with blisters, scratches and welts from the most common tree on the property, the leaves of which are toxic. But oddly satisfying when we were done! We were feeling pretty important when visitors to the center would stop to photograph us working, and thank us for volunteering. And, I’m getting pretty good at working that machete…

Definitely a memorable way to spend a birthday!

8 responses to “Bushwhacking Birthday”
  1. Adventurous

  2. Happy Birthday, Basia. Miss you but will soon be smelling those lilacs so posed in your book!

    1. Thanks Mary! I miss those lilacs (as well as you…)

  3. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    A beautiful birthday tradition, and the tortoises will soon be checking out their new open area!

    1. Yes they will!

  4. Belated Birthday Wishes to you Basia! So great to see you continuing your Birthday ritual…volunteer work…all the way from 2005 tsunami relief in Sri Lanka…to the Galapagos. 🙂

    1. Hey Ram, happy to see you on here! Yes, I was just thinking about that Sri Lanka birthday. Hope all is well with you.

      1. I am good Basia…Wishing you a great year ahead….and as always, you seem to be at the start of a journey but never the end(and so it is written and so it shall be)….so…bon voyage!!!! 🙂

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