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Cabo Pastel

Days 34-35: November 5-6, 2024 – Cabo Verde, Africa

Cabo Verde is an island country off the coast of Africa, whose name translates to Cape Green. But I will always think of it as Cabo Pastel. On both of the islands we visited, many buildings were pretty shades of pastel: pink, baby blue, lilac, peach, yellow. Not just quaint cottages, but multi-story apartment buildings, banks, even the electric company.

Up Next: 7-day Transatlantic Crossing

6 responses to “Cabo Pastel”
  1. So rare and exciting g to see buildings dressed up in colors.
    Why don’t more people, places, architects do things like this?

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    The pastel buildings of the islands have always appealed to me. Thanks for sharing Cabo Verde!

  3. Wow, that made me smile – sorely needed!

    1. Indeed. I hear you.

  4. Shannon Clubb Avatar
    Shannon Clubb

    oh how I would love to see that !!!!!!!!! I love multi colored buildings