
Cat Crazy

If you are a cat lover, Istanbul is for you. Feral cats are everywhere. In restaurants, on rooftops, in laundromats, inside ticket booths, in shop windows. Estimates range from a hundred thousand to over a million. They are seen as communally-owned pets and seem to be well-fed and taken care of. Old men smoking cigars call out tsss tsss tsss and feed them scraps.

Those in our group who are missing the pets they left behind are fond of picking them for a cuddle. Not being a feline fan, all I can think of is, who will be first in our group to get cat scratch fever? (My bet is on you, MW!)

A cat huddle in a boutique store window
Purchasing tickets to this museum involved navigating around this cat, parked in the ticket window.
Tombili, in Kadikoy, Istanbul

There is even a monument to a famous street cat named Tombili, who loved leisurely slouching on street steps. His signature pose became a viral sensation and tourist destination. He is long gone, but his human neighbors honored him by erecting a cat-size monument.

5 responses to “Cat Crazy”
  1. Jennifer Lukomski Avatar
    Jennifer Lukomski

    I too am a cat aficionado AND I agree this is too much. Disconcerting. Probably no mice/rats in town? What about the birds??

  2. Judy Slein Avatar
    Judy Slein

    I always wondered where the youtube videos of cats sleeping on ATM keyboards and metro card readers were made. Now I know.

    1. There are youtube videos of cats sleeping on metro card readers? Who knew… :-0

  3. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    If the cats are not neutered a million can double very quickly. I am a cat lover but this is a little much.

    1. I was told that they do neuter them, and that the government even pays for the neutering. So I’m not sure where all the breeding is coming from. But I guess with so many out there, it’s impossible to get them all in time.