Faces of the World: Antarctica
Meet Peggy Penguin.
Polar Play
Snow angels, snowmen, snowball fights.
Polar Plunge
A life vest is optional. I asked for two.
My Most Favorite Place On Earth
Muck boots on the ground and your butt in a zodiac.
Whale Tales
Where whales were the stars of the show.
The Real End Of The World
Our first zodiac landing.
Jumping Ship
Day 125: February 1, 2025 – Ushuaia Argentina to Drake Passage Last night, I waved good-bye to my Odyssey home as it sailed away without me. This morning, I boarded my new home for the next 11 days, the World Explorer. I’m sharing a cabin with Wendy, another Odysseyean. Our cabin is an upgrade from […]
Beyond The End Of The World
Jumping ship. Literally.
Birds of South America
100 new birds for my life list.
Whale Tales
Humpback whales were feeding throughout the Antarctic waters. We saw probably close to 50 over two days. Someday I hope to capture one of those breaching-whale shots, with the whale jumping high above the water. In the meantime, here are some whale bits and pieces — fins, tails, mouths, and humps.
Antarctic Flyers
I’ve been snapping lots of pictures of birds. These are two of my favorites. Two Black-browed Albatrosses glide in perfect synchrony over Antarctic waters. Photo taken from my cabin balcony. From a distance, some of us mistook this colony of Imperial Cormorants for penguins, until we saw them flying off (penguins don’t fly).
I made it to the elusive 7th continent!