Peak Patagonia
One for the bucket list.
Punta Arenas Cemetery
Part museum, part botanical garden.
Glacier and Waterfall Parade
A parade of glaciers and waterfalls.
Seno Glacier
Getting up close to a glacier.
Something’s Cooking In Chacabuco
We’ve had mostly smooth, glassy seas, but today I can see the waves leaping up my window.
Life, Is Good
This is what I wanted my life to be.
Valparaiso Street Art
More amazing street art.
A Warm Chile Welcome
Our welcoming committee: dolphins, jellyfish, and terns.
The View From My (Bus) Window
My 33-hour bus ride turned out to be a relaxing way to travel.
Where To Next
I’ve been on the road for over 4 months.
Service Above and Beyond
What I love most about Chile is how quick Chileans are with a smile.
Safari Park
Where the animals are free and the people are caged.
Chilean Ports
A few favorites from Chilean ports.
Whimsy in Metal
Whimsical metal sculptures at a waterfront park in Puerto Varas, Chile.
Birds of South America
100 new birds for my life list.
From the Mouth of Pilar
Someone will get in your picture today. I remind you that murder is wrong.
Guardian Angels of the Streets
I appreciated that there were guardian angels out there on the streets, monitoring my stupid tourist behavior.
Open Sky Museum
The off-the-beaten path gallery is the largest installation of street art in Chile.
Ad-Libbing My Life
Having to ad lib my life is wearing today.
Cape Horn Baptism
Cape Horn, at the southern tip of South America, is where the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans meet. For passenger entertainment, cruise ships have adopted a ceremony to mark the crossing. It’s called a baptism because participants get dunked with very cold water collected from the cape and “blessed” with a wish. The blessings were randomly […]