Birds of Ecuador
117 lifers.
A Bird In The Hand
And a tanager rainbow.
Effing It
Clearly no one around here gets their mouth washed out with soap.
Hummingbird Heaven
Getting buzz-bombed by hummers.
Birding Bonanza
Known for its elaborate breeding displays, which include head-bobbing, bill-snapping, grunting, and squeaking.
All Birds, All Day
The next 4 days are going to be a birding marathon.
April Showers Bring May Flowers
So here are a few for you to enjoy, from the Quito Botanical Garden and La Merced farmstay.
Farm Glamping
It feels very serene — except for the chickens cackling, roosters crowing, cows mooing, and dogs barking.
Bird’s Eye View of Quito
Bird’s eye view of Quito.
People-watching in Quito
Quito’s plazas and squares are great spots for people-watching.
Zero Zero Zero
A foot in each hemisphere.
A Walk Inside a Volcano
The walk down the crater was easy-peasy. Back up, not so much.
Galapagos Birding
Lucky for me, my target bird, the blue-footed booby, was on almost every island.
Equatorial Penguins
It’s always a good day when I see my favorite bird.
Galapagos Waters
You could snorkel in a different spot every day for a year.
The Color of Sand
The spectrum of sand color.
In Search of the Vermilion Flycatcher
Locals refer to them as “bien viaje” birds, which translates to “good travel.”
An Epic Fail
If the ship wasn’t already moving, I would have been tempted to disembark on the spot.
Island Hopping
Exploring the Galapagos Archipelago.
Counting Iguanas
The collective noun for a group of iguanas is called a mess.