
Crazy About Crème Brulée

At least 100 different dessert options have been available in the ship restaurants. So how many have I indulged in? For 8 days straight, I had nothing but crème brulée for dessert. With an occasional sorbet added in. I don’t argue with success.

9 responses to “Crazy About Crème Brulée”
  1. Definitely one of my favorites, but trifle and Rhum babas are my top of the line!

  2. I love how you assiduously documented each one—yum! 😋

    1. I’m all about the documentation – it’s the scientist in me!

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Looks delicious, but wait, wait what happened to new experiences =new synapsis. The CB dendrite is going to be overdeveloped. It could also be that your body needed the cream because of the cold temperatures.

    1. True, I am stunting some dendrites. But I’m having different appetizers and entrees every day, so I think they will cancel each other out. 🙂

  4. Bills favorite – he’s so jealous. Looks incredibly delicious!

    1. Ha! Bill’s got good taste…

  5. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    I have a friend who is just like this that I travelled with.. we all indulged in Creme Brulee each night!!!!

    1. I just can’t pass them up!