
Crossing the Line

Day 178: March 24, 2025 – Brazil

It’s a long-standing maritime tradition to celebrate the crossing of the equator (also known as crossing the line). Sailors crossing for the first time are called pollywogs (novices). The rest of us are shellbacks (experienced sailors). Different ships have different rituals. On the Odyssey, the rite of initiation called for pollywogs to kiss a raw fish.

Sailors in observance of this time-honored tradition of crossing the equator would witness the transformation of a sailor passing from a slimy Pollywog to a trusty Shellback. The Pollywog, something lower than toad stool, would be reborn after being dragged by ship and rope across the equator and would rise up from the ashes of being a Pollywog into a truer form of sailor as a Trusty Shellback and notable seaworthy sailor. The newly transformed sailor would be welcomes to the Court Of Neptune Rex.–Salty Dog Old School

Pirate and mermaid dance

Even if they are no longer pollywogs, crew is not exempt from the initiation. Hotel Manager Rodrigo got dragged outside by a pirate and mermaid for his drenching.

4 responses to “Crossing the Line”
  1. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    Traditions!!! O Boy!
    Looks like a blast! Didn’t see you kissing the fish…..!? Lol
    Although I’m sure you did!!!

    1. I’m a shellback – it wasn’t my first equator crossing, so I was exempt from fish-kissing.

  2. Shannon Clubb Avatar
    Shannon Clubb

    Lots of new traditions on this ship!!!!!

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