Cuteness Overload

I was sitting on the steps of a bus station in Uyuni, on a video call with my friend Michelle, waiting for a bus that would take me to La Paz. This little girl sidled up next to me, peering into the phone. Then she snuggled up on my shoulder, made herself comfortable, and crashed our video chat!

After the call, I was so regretting that I hadn’t captured the sweet moment. Lucky for me, Michelle was much more quick-thinking and, unbeknownst to me, immediately snapped screen shots on her phone. (I didn’t even know it was possible to capture screens while on video call!) Thank you dear friend, for capturing this delightful moment.

13 responses to “Cuteness Overload”
  1. Children are grand

    1. They are indeed.

  2. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Very very cute przylepka. HOWEVER, what was her adult buddy doing while she was snuggling up? It seems that she has done this before. This my suspicious self reacting. I know, I know, glass half full. It’s a lovely shot, indeed.

    1. Yeah, I’ve often seen children being used as bait for panhandling in many places in the world, but I’m pretty sure this was not the case. It looked like her mama worked at one of the bus station offices. She came out after a few minutes and playfully gave her a bonk on the head and escorted her back in. It’s been one of the most interesting things about Bolivia (I’m about to write a blog about it) that children seem to be completely integrated into their parents’ workplace. It’s like a form of childcare. At the bus station, almost every office had a baby or toddler in residence, under the watchful eye of an adult.

      1. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
        Donna Kruszewska

        What an interesting way to take care of children.

  3. Oh how sweet !!!!

    1. She was a darling.

  4. Well done Michelle for recognising the moment. It is very fast and easy to do on an apple computer. Press all at the same time: control shift 4

    1. Yes, I do it on my computer all the day, but I wasn’t aware you could take a shot while actually on a video call. Learn something new everyday!

  5. jessica lukomski Avatar
    jessica lukomski

    what a sweet pea! 😋

    1. Sweet pea is the perfect description.

  6. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    The sweet love and curiosity of a child!

    1. She was definitely a curious one.