Drama On The High Seas

With several hundred strangers trying to find a way to live in harmony in confined spaces, there is no shortage of drama, even before we set sail. We frequently find ourselves saying, “Someone should be capturing this for a reality TV show.”

It looks like someone is.

Except it’s not a reality show, it’s a regular TV medical drama. And it’s not about us, even though they are using our name. Doctor Odyssey, about adventure on the high seas, premieres this fall.

Max is the new on-board doctor for a luxury cruise ship where the small but mighty medical team navigate unique medical crises and each other, miles from shore.” (IMDb)

Here is one summary of it, from the cruise industry. I think they would get more authentic storylines, if they asked us to consult on it!

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to catch it where we’re going, but if any of you all do, it starts Sept. 26 on ABC. Let me know what you think!

5 responses to “Drama On The High Seas”
  1. Deb Fox-mchugh Avatar
    Deb Fox-mchugh

    Oooh that sounds interesting! Hope you guys can catch it too!

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    This show caught my eye. I intend on giving it a try. Maybe you could be a freelance television screenwriter for a few episodes!? 🙂

    1. I would love that job! I think they should just come and watch us, they would get all the drama they need.

  3. Hazel Mckay Avatar
    Hazel Mckay

    Need to ask Mike to ensure the ABC channel is one of the stations we can watch on the cabin T.V.

    1. Yes. I was thinking we should have watch parties.