Feliz Año

Happy New Year from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where a contingent of the Life At Sea no-cruise castaways rang in the new year. There were fireworks, rowdy crowds and the countdown was cinco-quatro-tres-dos-uno-cero! It was Times Square without the crowd control. And a pickpocket, who took off with the contents of one of our purses, but only slightly dampened our spirits.

May, Angela, Lindsay, Michelle, Basia ringing in 2024. Photo credit: May
16 responses to “Feliz Año”
  1. HNY!!

  2. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Happy New Year in all the places you’ll go in 2024. Phone ring was brief but nice.

    1. Dzieki, dzieki. I tried, but it was way too loud and rowdy to hear anything above the roar of the road.

  3. Your New Year looked much better than mine! I love accompanying you wherever you go… you certainly GO!

    1. And I love having you accompany me. This is way more NYE celebrating than I ever do in Rochester!

  4. Margret Roberts Avatar
    Margret Roberts

    Happy New Year Basia! I hope this year will bring many adventures and continued good fellowship with your new friends!

  5. Chris Barry Avatar
    Chris Barry

    A life well lived You’ve got it! XO

    1. Thanks Chris! Your your new year is off to a good start.

  6. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    Happy New Year !!! Watching you have fun!!!!

    1. Thanks Shannon, and wishing you a good 2024 also.

  7. Alison Hilton Avatar
    Alison Hilton

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Alison, glad to see you are still following here!

  8. Larry Brown Avatar
    Larry Brown

    It’s good to see you enjoying your visits to 4 continents so far in spite of the cruise cancellation. Before you leave Argentina, I hope you can make it to Iguazu Falls, about a one hour plane ride north of Buenos Aires, on the Brazilian Argentinian border near Paraguay. Well worth the trip!

    1. Iguazu Falls is definitely on my itinerary. Trying to figure out when to fit it in.

  9. The Great Adventure

    1. It has been so far, hasn’t it.