Fun on the Flattest Place on Earth

The Bolivian Salt Flats are the flattest place on the planet, stretching over 4000 square miles. A popular “thing” on the flats is to create wacky perspective-defying photos. Here are a few of me playing with my travel mates.

Below, the two couples I spent 3 days with, touring in a Land Cruiser. Bookending the shot are Betina and Andreas, lawyers from Denmark. In the middle are Richard and Clare, doctor and midwife from the UK. They were a fun bunch to travel with!

10 responses to “Fun on the Flattest Place on Earth”
  1. Too bad you didn’t have your baton to lead the Pringles march!

    1. Oh my gosh, that would have been perfect. Wish I’d thought of that!

  2. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Not too much fun being had on the salt flats! lol Stunningly beautiful!

    1. No, never too much fun!

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Wow. I love flat, but 4000 sq miles might be a bit disorienting, no? Looks like great fun was had by all. Great.

    1. Yes, definitely disorienting, but also stunningly beautiful.

  4. Makes me wish I was that adventurous 😊

    1. Come join me, Margret!

  5. Alison Hilton Avatar
    Alison Hilton

    So cool! I’m inspired to go sometime!

    1. I highly recommend it, Alison. It’s one of my most favorite travel experiences.