
Gastronomic Theater

Day 140: February 16, 2025 – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Frenessì, a multisensory immersion gastronomic capsule that combines haute cuisine with technology, travel, theater and multisensory experiences Buenos Bares

I’m not exactly a foodie. I’m most excited when I spot a Dunkin’ Donuts. But when I heard my shipmates were planning an excursion to Frenessi restaurant in Buenos Aires that was billed as a “multisensory immersion gastronomic capsule” I couldn’t resist joining. And boy, was it ever!

Our names were projected onto the table

We were seated at a long white table surrounded by blank white walls. With each dish, we were transported to a new dimension projected onto the walls, ceiling, and tables.

Jungle theme
Under the sea
The servers in character for under the sea
Birds and cotton candy

I lost track of the number of dishes, but I think there were at least 10. Each was matched to the theme. I had the vegetarian version, which was delicious, but half the time I had no idea what I was eating. I ate more strange food at this meal than I have all year! Here are a few examples of the menu:

  • Volcanic stone of provolone and truffle oil, with chutney or lactofermented fruits, and fresh peaches acevichado
  • Fresh oyster, accompanied by Patagonian trout gravlax, lemon granita, shuzu and basil, nitrogen raspberries, with passion fruit nikiri sauce.
  • Cashew frog, on creamy edamame, crispy herbs, Gremolata, and false caviar of apple, cucumber and juniper.
  • Grilled prawns, with chive oil, panther milk, edible sand, crunchy coconut and seeds, and coconut foam and honey.
The Forest-themed course arrived in a tree bark container
Under the Stars
Photo credit: Cheyenne
Photo credit: Cheyenne

There was dancing, singing, and celebrating.

The grand finale was a series of chefs “painting” abstract desserts on the table. One brushed on colorful syrup, another added a confection sprinkle, another dribbled chocolate.

The finished dessert

The whole thing was gAstronomically expensive but crazy fun! It may turn me into a foodie after all…

12 responses to “Gastronomic Theater”
  1. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    ” We are not in Kansas anymore”, said Dorothy to Toto.

    And so the magic began.

    1. No we are not. Nor in Dunkin’ Donuts!

  2. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    WOW!!! So unique, different, crazy.. were they doing drugs when they came up with this concept? Lol
    Wild!!! Fascinating to say the least. Not sure I would be brave enough to eat what I have no idea what I’m eating…
    You go girl!!! What an amazing journey!!!

    1. Yeah I’m usually hesitant to eat if I don’t know what I’m eating. But for some reason I was trusting this menu-

  3. Teri Morrow Avatar
    Teri Morrow

    I am so incredibly blessed to be able to live vicariously through you. Thank you, very much, my friend! 🥗🍕🍗🌮🍟❤️🍷

    1. Thanks Teri, glad to know you are enjoying it!

  4. So totally out of this world! Tres creative!

    1. Out of this world describes it well!

  5. Vicky Lockwood Avatar
    Vicky Lockwood

    Wow. So interesting! What an experience. Love your posts!

  6. Alison Hilton Avatar
    Alison Hilton

    What a cool and unique experience!

    1. It sure was. Unlike anything I’ve ever done.

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