Some of us were drawn to this trip by the prospect of building a unique community of fellow adventurers. Me, I mostly saw it as an opportunity to have at my disposal an Uber that could take me from one country to the next with minimal effort on my part. Of course, I hoped my shipmates would be nice people. But being an introvert, and a happy solo traveler, creating a community was not top of my mind.
So I am bewildered that I am feeling such a big hole as we say our good-byes. We only had 3 weeks together in Istanbul (and 7 months of online socializing), but we already seem like family. Like family, we squabbled sometimes. Infuriated each other, even, as we learned to navigate the minefield of social media. But mostly, we looked forward to each other’s company and our collective travel tales. I’m pretty sure that between us, we’ve been to every country on earth. They all tolerated my incessant clicking, even those that were not fond of being photographed.
So many in this eclectic, adventurous group left a permanent imprint on my heart. There was Mary, my Turkish Bath bubble buddy, and Gary, whose thoughtful words, even just online, grounded me. Beverly, my next-door neighbor with a beautiful voice; I would crack my door open to eavesdrop when I heard her rendition of “Say Something, I’m Giving Up On You.” Jeanmarie, who could be counted on to sniff out that boutique restaurant with the best wine, music, and ambiance, and from whom I’d hoped to learn how to be a proper foodie. Mama Bear Lindsay, who can take charge like nobody’s business, and who generously offered a shoulder to cry on when I needed one. Michelle, who taught me how to unfurl a cupcake, and Marc, the only person who could best me in a donut-eating contest. Roberta and Smitty, our elders, always first on the dance floor. Andrea, who brought over her impressive league of FB fans to my blog. Joe Y, who sang the Basia song to me in Serbian every morning. Kara, always ready to share her experience of living in Turkey. I loved the energy of the millennials, who danced in the streets and often had their own life language.
There were also those I had yet to meet in person: Meredith, whose texts became my daily anchor. Andy from Namibia, who was so looking forward to joining all of us. Ingrid, from whom I hoped to learn pickleball. Dozens of others who had reached out to me over the last 7 months, and whom I was so looking forward to meeting in person. But here we are, saying our good-byes. A few of us will be here for another week. Others have already moved on. Those who are still here greet each other with, “so, what is your Plan B?”
We will all move on to our own Plan Bs. But we will never be able to do it with this wonderful, crazy group of fellow vagabonds. I will always wonder what kind of community we could have created over 3 years.
Sending you off with much love, and an aching heart.

21 responses to “Hello and Good-bye”
Can’t give you Antarctica but I can offer a place to park for a bit… I’ll even provide corn 😎
Hi Basia, There is no doubt that you are special. It is a pleasure to navigate these troubled waters with you. There is a discussion group concerning joining a ship whenever it appears. It is on Whatsapp LAS Keep in Contact. I believe it is only available to the 111 cabins reserved. I would really like your stable even keel in this group. Please join us. Thanks, Steven Saris
Thank from every part of my heart. It was a unique and never to be replicated experience. Safe travels all.
Best wishes, Basia.
Thanks Andrea, and same to you. I know you are already onto your next adventure.
Wonderful words..I had the same reasons as you “an easy way to travel our world”.Maybe another chance will come our way and our paths will cross.I will be back in Australia next week to sort out a new direction for the next three years.At this moment in time I feel like a lost soul,but once again amongst friends and family my heart may heal and start those “butterflies” again that have lived iwith me,full of excitement since March.All the best to everyone who took on this travel experience that failed us. Lyn Griffin
March through October was definitely a heady, “butterflies” time. Hoping we will all have something similar, soon.
I am sad with you for the many losses. You are heroic and will find new adventures, I have no doubt. Grateful for you, my friend.
Thanks you dear Mary.
Basia, what a poignant reflection! From what you have written, this indeed was what I imagined, or hoped for, when I signed up. I, too, looked forward to meeting you and the rest of this crew. So what is your Plan B? Perhaps a number of us will end up on a true world cruise in the future. Very best wishes, Anna
I will keep my fingers crossed that we will. Still unsure of my Plan B, I know my time is running out.
My Darling Basia,
You are strength and love. To know you is to know a precious gentle unique sole full of wonder, generosity, open-mindedness and appreciation for the glory of the world. To know you is to love you. Believe, for it is so.
Eternally yours,
Thanks, Basia, for all you’ve done for our group, including Miray’s management. I wish we could have met in person, and I hope that might happen one day. Happy travels, and may you always have sunny skies.
Thanks Veronica. And I will also look forward to meeting you someday.
We never met you, but we sure looked forward to meeting you. From the very beginning of this journey, you were our safe harbor. Your comments always reflected a genuine desire to seek out truth. You can’t manufacture genuineness you either have it or you don’t, and you do!
Your balanced approach to resolving conflict was evidence of your maturity and your kindness toward others was a testimony to your character.
Basia, it has been my experience whenever a group is looking for a leader the first question they ask is: “Who is going to best serve the needs of this group?” Leadership is always birthed out of service.
Thank you for your thoughtful leadership.
Your kindness did not go unnoticed.
Our very best to you, Basia
Your kind words are very much appreciated. And I’m feeling the loss all over again, that I won’t get to meet such beautiful people like you.
Enjoyed fending off the onslaught of FB invaders with you, Jim!
I promised myself I wouldn’t cry again, and here I am blubbering. I’m still hoping that this diaspora is only temporary and that at least some of us can come back together in the future. There’s a lot of ocean out there for us to explore.
You two are a main blubbering trigger for me! Hoping this will not be the end of it for us.
You have written such a beautifully touching and moving epilogue. I just know that your path and theirs will cross and web again.
That’s what we are all hoping for. Though it seems unlikely…