Iguazu Falls – Brazil Side

Like Niagara Falls, Iguazu Falls spans two countries: Argentina and Brazil. We did the Argentinian side one day, and the Brazillian side the next day. Same waterfall, but a very different experience. At some point, we just ran out of superlatives: magnificent! fantastic! awesome! wow!

We didn’t need to take a boat to get a shower on this side. The viewing deck was close enough to the falls, that we got drenched just standing there.

7 responses to “Iguazu Falls – Brazil Side”
  1. Beautiful! So cool!

  2. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    oh how incredible is this!!!!!

    1. It was absolutely magnificent.

  3. Margret Roberts Avatar
    Margret Roberts

    So beautiful!! What a gorgeous place!!

  4. Fabulous photos. Thank you. I especially love the close-ups.

  5. Wondrous experience!

  6. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    These photos just leave me speechless!