
Into the Jungle

Emerging from four days in the Amazon cloud forest (high-elevation rainforest) in Manu National Park, Peru. The jungle was full of life: four kinds of monkeys, tapirs, agoutis, capybaras, Cayman alligators, and dozens of new birds for my life list (I haven’t had time to sort through the bird pictures yet, they’ll get their own post).

Amazon cloud forest
Our group trekking through the jungle muck
Rafting down Machuwasi Lake on balsa wood rafts. I wasn’t feeling very confident about their sturdiness; all I could think about was the anacondas lurking below!
Madre de Dios river runs along the jungle
Boating down the Madre de Dios (Mother of God) River
Checking out the bird life from a watch tower. Like my sexy white galoshes?
Red howler monkey
Capuchin monkeys
Capybara peeking out from the grass
Butterflies were everywhere; hundreds of them flitting about
One of several boats we used to get around
This tapir lived in the jungle, but liked to occasionally visit our lodge and snooze on the stairs

The lodge rooms came with mosquito netting, though oddly enough, I never saw any mosquitoes. But there were a bazillion other insects, which gifted me with at least a dozen insect bites: four from biting flies, two from wasp-like things, one that felt like a sharp bee sting, one from something the size of a Texas cockroach, one fire ant, and the rest of indeterminate origin.

22 responses to “Into the Jungle”
  1. Kimberly Bryant Avatar
    Kimberly Bryant

    I Love a woman in rubber boots and shorts! The guy next to you seems to have LENS ENVY.
    Safe Travels! XOXO

  2. Great pics! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Capybara!

    1. He is pretty cute, isn’t he.

  3. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Awesome pictures!

    1. Thanks Sharon.

  4. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Move over Nancy Sinatra! Basia is here in her go-go boots!
    The wildlife you’ve seen is incredible! Can’t wait for the bird post!
    Your adventures have been beyond words!

    1. Ha ha ha, yes they do have a Nancy Sinatra vibe, don’t they!

  5. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Basia I was just telling Zeke and Sierra (Zeke dropped in from LA to see the eclipse) that your self planned itinerary seems more expansive than taking short trips from ports of call. And you will really know South America when finished.

    1. Absolutely, And especially being able to visit countries that don’t have ports at all, like Bolivia. Definitely more in depth travel. Although at the same time, requiring more effort and planning!

  6. Alison Hilton Avatar
    Alison Hilton

    Thanks for sharing your amazing experiences! I am loving the vicarious travel.

    1. You’re welcome Alison, happy to know you are enjoying it.

  7. Joanne Felzer Avatar
    Joanne Felzer

    What an awesome experience. Who needs a boat anyway?

    1. Right?! All you need is a couple pieces of balsa wood…

  8. Love the capybara and the tapir. For a non-pet person, you do seem to enjoy the tapir’s company.

    1. Ha ha, yes, go figure!

  9. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    All I can picture is you deciding to try out for Naked and Afraid !!!! There is no way you would find me in your place on that piece of floating wood.

    1. Lol lol, I definitely have that Afraid part down pat, haven’t tried the Naked part yet! That piece of floating wood describes it very succintly!

  10. Hazel Mckay Avatar
    Hazel Mckay

    So pleased to see you are living the dream. We do not have the health or fitness to do what you are doing. But so pleased to be allowed to come along for the ride. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Hazel, happy to know you are enjoying it.

  11. Meredith Avatar

    You are a better man than I…. these boots were made for walking.

    1. Ha ha, yes they were!

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