Istanbul Tour 1

After an all-day tour of Istanbul brought to us by Miray, we were tired but happy campers. Here are a few scenes.

Gate to the Bosphorus, near Dolmabahce Palace, the largest palace in Turkey.

View from Dolmabahce Palace, overlooking the Bosphorus Strait,

At the colorful Spice Market, dozens of different teas to choose from, including Love Tea and Viagra Tea.

I love the sweet faces of this mother and child. This is the first of what I hope to make an ongoing series, Faces of the World.

The obligatory pose in front of Istanbul city sign.

(Photo by Lindsay)

Our tour was coordinated by our cruise company, Miray.

The tour included a cruise along the Bosphorus Strait on one of Miray’s ships.

8 responses to “Istanbul Tour 1”
  1. Sharon Martinelli Avatar
    Sharon Martinelli

    Lovely photos.

    1. Thanks Sharon, glad to know you are enjoying them.

  2. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Basia, I love your new theme of faces of the world. Looking forward to each addition.

    1. Yeah, I’m excited about it too. Can’t wait to capture those beautiful faces.

  3. Judy Slein Avatar
    Judy Slein

    I’m glad Miray is taking good care of you during the delay. Love the henna on the mother’s hand.

    1. Yes, it’s gorgeous, isn’t it. And so far, Miray is doing right by us.

  4. So good to see perfect weather and lovely smiles

    1. The weather could not have been better. Hoping it stays that way.