A Life At Sea

{This entry was originally posted on Facebook on March 31, 2023.}

Well…..I had my spring & summer adventures all lined up, ready to kick off 3 months of cross-country road tripping – destinations researched, itinerary plotted, reservations made. But the universe had other plans for me. It threw a curve ball my way, teasing me with the prospect of a 3-year, around-the-world cruise. One that wouldn’t completely decimate my retirement funds. No way can I resist that kind of temptation.

So instead of road tripping, I’ll be spending the next 6 months prepping for 3 years of life at sea. Cruise sets sail from Turkey on November 1. Between now and then, I need to sell my house and car (to help finance this craziness…) and liquidate my current life.

As I’m about to jump off this cliff, I’m equal parts terrified and buzzing with excitement!

Check out where you’ll find me starting November 1: Google Earth Map of Cruise