Mission Failure

Well the mission I set for myself for today was an abysmal failure. The plan was to go in search of a Dunkin’ Donuts to satisfy my addiction. Mr. Google tells me there are 5 DD stores in the Istanbul area. I ask the young man at the reception desk which one would be the easiest to get to. He checks it out and says, “Oh, but these are all closed permanently.”

Turns out there are no DDs in Istanbul. Major bummer. Next possibility of a DD sighting will be in the Bahamas. Sigh.

2 responses to “Mission Failure”
  1. Well, you’re gonna be there a month…seems like that’s plenty of time to organize a grand re-opening. Did you bring your pink uniform with you?

    1. I did not. But you’re right, that pink uniform could have opened lots of doors for me!