My 200-Word Vocabulary

I was nine when our family emigrated from Poland to the U.S. and had to quickly learn a new language. I carried around a little spiral notebook where I jotted down new words I saw/heard.

In South America (where I realized my high school Spanish had been long forgotten), I used a more high-tech method: jotting down new words on my iPhone.

I’m at about 200 words now, which I think puts me in the vocabulary range of a 2-year old. I still don’t feel very confident conversing—I can read easier than I can speak—but these are coming in handy in the Spanish Canary Islands. For anything else, I turn to Google Translate.

My Spanish Vocabulary

 1buenos diasgood morning
 2buenas tardesgood afternoon
 3buenas nochesgood night
 5graciasthank you
 6de nadayou’re welcome
 8buena, buenogood
 13por quewhy
 17a mime
 25haythere is
 32añoyear (not to be confused with ano, which = anus)
 33masfurther, more
 70heladoIce cream
 74agua con gaswater with gas (seltzer)
 76papas fritasFrench fries, or potato chips
 77salchipapasI’ve given up trying to figure out what these are.
They seem to be different in every country.
 82pajaro carpinterowoodpecker
 106me gustaI like
 109vamoscome on, let’s go
 113subacome up
 116no puedecan’t
 117hablar, hablospeak
 124hostallodging house
 133telefericocable car
 167gratis, librefree
 181parqueaderoparking lot
 191guaguabus (in Canary Islands)
 201se vendefor sale

I wonder if this qualifies me to be considered trilingual? Or do I have to demonstrate I can string these words together to form proper sentences?

5 responses to “My 200-Word Vocabulary”
  1. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    That will get you far, but you really need to add hielo (ice).

    1. Ok, I will. But I don’t like ice (in my drinks) so I’ve never had to use it yet!

  2. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Mrs B. from WHHS would be so proud.

    1. Yes, I do believe she would be. Maybe I should look her up on FB again and let her know?

      1. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
        Donna Kruszewska

        If she is still with us.