
My Fellow Vagabonds

When we were notified that the cruise launch was delayed, all of us had to quickly adjust plans. Some people opted to sit out the delay closer to home and join when it was resolved. Others had non-refundable plane tickets to Istanbul and decided to proceed with their plans and wait in Istanbul. A sub-group of us is hanging out in a hotel in Istanbul, exploring the city and getting to know each other over lively mealtime conversations. (To the dismay of some, it’s a no-alcohol hotel, so I haven’t seen too many shenanigans, yet :-)).

I think of this group as the expedition scouts, blazing a trail for the rest of our shipmates to come. Here are the smiling faces of my fellow vagabonds. (And thanks everyone, for graciously agreeing to a group photo).

18 responses to “My Fellow Vagabonds”
  1. Thanks for the pic..looks like you’re in good company, one person looks familiar! I think she lives in Honolulu! Tell her Aloha from me! I’m really enjoying reading about your adventures! Thanks again for your updates

    1. Hi Inger, aloha has been conveyed! Glad to hear you are enjoying the blog.

  2. Cheers to the vagabounds and your adventures! You are already my favorite new reality show cast!

    1. Ha, we do look like the cast of a reality TV show, don’t we!

  3. Ron Walker Avatar
    Ron Walker

    Everyone looks so happy!

    1. We are all in the honeymoon stage right now. Check back with us in a few months. 🙂

      1. You know the phases of group development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Next phase is… both within the group and outside the ship.

        1. Yeah, we are in the forming state now. About to enter the more dangerous storming phase.

  4. Look forward to meeting my people soon!

    1. Yes! “My people” – I love that!

  5. what a great bonding event

    1. Yes!

  6. Margret Roberts Avatar
    Margret Roberts

    This group sends a very nice vibe! Have fun exploring! What a fascinating area! Just reading Anthony Doerr’s cloud, cuckooland, and part of the story plays out in 15th century Constantinople. Would love to be there with you.

    1. I’ll have to add it to my reading list, for that long transcontinental crossing.

  7. Tereska R Buko Avatar
    Tereska R Buko

    Blessings to all Vagabonds, May the seas rise with you…

    1. Thank you Tereska, that is a very apt blessing.

  8. Anita wexler Avatar
    Anita wexler

    Enjoyed your blog

    1. Hi Anita, so happy to see you on here, and looking forward to doing this journey with you.