
Next Stop: Galapagos

Next on the itinerary: a few weeks on the Galapagos Islands, a destination that has been at the top of my bucket list for a long time. I’ll be starting with a week-long volunteer gig with a conservation group on San Cristobal Island. And a birthday bash with some Blue-footed Boobies!

Blue-footed Boobie, startled to hear he’ll be attending a Birthday Bash
17 responses to “Next Stop: Galapagos”
  1. Fun!

  2. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

  3. Happiest of birthdays, my adventurous friend! Your amazing journey continues to awe! Blessings on your many journeys and gratitude for your sharing so vividly.

    1. Thank you dear friend! I think of you every time I climb a mountain – which seems to be quite often here in Andes country!

  4. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Now, what possible evolutionary advantage would blue feet give a bird, that’s what I want to know.

    1. https://galapagosconservation.org.uk/why-do-boobies-have-blue-feet-2/

      “Research has shown that the ‘blueness’ of a male booby’s feet is a reliable indicator of their condition. If a male is unhealthy, weak or old it will generally not be as good at securing food as a healthy male, resulting in a reduced concentration of carotenoids and hence duller feet. Conversely, having bright feet signifies that an individual is strong and healthy and can ‘afford’ to use more carotenoids for foot coloration (although it must be stated that this is not a conscious decision made by the bird).”

      1. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
        Donna Kruszewska

        Ok, but blue why not red or bright yellow

  5. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    I can’t wait to hear all about the Galapagos! So glad your bucket list is being fulfilled!

    1. Me too. Except that I keep adding things to that bucket list, so it seems like it will never be completed fulfilled!

  6. Jane Anne Davis Avatar
    Jane Anne Davis

    I am jumping up and down for you! You have turned all of this into the most interesting of your adventures yet! BooYah Basia! I’m with Shannon, I can’t wait to see the pics! 😍

    1. More pics on the way!

  7. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb

    ohhhh I can’t wait!!!!!!!

  8. Meredith Avatar

    Finally a bird and Galapagos mention the name Jack Grove and you will be a hero. I met Jack when he was a naturist in 1978 in Galapagos. I visited 4 times., after we met. We are still friends He has written an amazing book on the fishes of Galapagos I am sure they sell it. I banded blue foots. Albatross are my favs but blue is next. You have finally come home

    1. Banding blue foots – that would be fun!

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