
Penguin Party

There are 7 species of penguins in South America. I had previously seen the Magellanic penguins in Argentina. This week in the Falkland Islands, I added 3 more species to my list: King, Gentoo, and Rockhopper. At the Lagoon Bluff Cove, penguins were everywhere. I absolutely adore these guys.

These gorgeous King Penguins, with their golden necks, were just a few feet away from me on the beach
Several thousand Gentoo penguins at this rookery
King Penguins with their babies
A lone Rockhopper Penguin, the only one in this colony
15 responses to “Penguin Party”
  1. Great pictures!

  2. I love these photos. So glad you got a chance to stop and see these adorable birds.

    1. Judy, if you haven’t been to Falklands yet, definitely add it to your list. You would love it here.

  3. Hazel Mckay Avatar
    Hazel Mckay

    Having a long lens and knowing how to use it certainly pays off on days like this. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes it does. That lens has given me many hours of enjoyment.

  4. Oh I can’t get enough of these penguin pictures !! How enchanting and fun to watch them !!!!

    1. They were absolutely delightful.

  5. Might be silly question, but if the Rockhopper Penguin is the only one left in this colony, does that mean the end of his species (at least in this colony/location)?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. Yes, it’s the end of the line for this guy in this colony, he doesn’t have anyone to mate with. Our ranger guide told us he probably got separated from his flock and lost, and getting back to his flock is not likely an option. But there are other colonies of Rockhoppers in other place, so it’s not the end of the road for all of them.

  6. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    I like the two that holding hands walking down the street.

    1. They’re adorable, aren’t they?

  7. Elaine Smith Avatar
    Elaine Smith

    Three Penguin species in a week! And to get so close, even to their babies. A birding high!
    Congrats, Basia!

    1. Definitely a birding high. You would love it here, Elaine.

  8. Fantastic Penguin Pics!!!

    1. Thanks Margret. They’re definitely one of my favorites from this trip.