Turkish police (Polis) have a very visible presence on the streets of Istanbul. They seem to take their job very seriously, always poised with their finger on the trigger. Not that I would know where the trigger was on this thing, but it seemed like a “don’t mess with me, I’m ready for action” pose. Surprisingly, quite a few of them were women. I’ve been wanting to get a picture, but didn’t know if photographing them was allowed, and didn’t want to trigger their trigger finger with a transgression. So I slowly sidled up to one, pointed to my camera, and batted my eyelashes. (Well ok maybe I just smiled at him, but I like to delude myself that a 68-year-old batting her eyelashes will still get me places.) He never cracked a smile or even broke his pose but gave me a slight nod and straightened his shoulders, which I interpreted as permission. I got my shot, and then quietly slinked away out of target range.
6 responses to “Polis”
I seem to recall the first time I went to Poland with my mom (that would have been around 1987ish) there were many uniformed soldiers on the streets. I suppose better soldiers than pick pockets and scam artists. Although they might be there too. Love getting daily reports. Dziękuję.
We’ve been warned about the possibility of pickpockets, but haven’t seen it be a problem yet.
You hussy, you!
Who, me? *batting eyelashes*
A great photo!
Thanks Judy. It’s one of my favorites too.