
Royal Gardens

I’ve been to over a hundred botanical gardens around the world. (Yes, I do keep track of them in my spreadsheets, which were previously promptly updated but are being sadly neglected now that I’m on the road full time). And London’s Royal Botanic Gardens deserve their royal title. Miles and miles of gorgeousness, beautifully maintained. On this Sunday morning, there were lots of people strolling around, but it didn’t seem crowded. Here are a few of my favorite scenes.

Canada Geese family
California Poppies
Flowering Rush
Dendrobium Orchid
Monkey Puzzle tree
The Hive installation recreates life inside a bee hive
11 responses to “Royal Gardens”
  1. Sharon Breitenfeld Avatar
    Sharon Breitenfeld

    Beautiful garden!

  2. I have always found your flowers exquisite and you never disappoint!

    1. So happy to hear that, Mary! And thank you for being one of my top flower fans!

  3. Donna Kruszewska Avatar
    Donna Kruszewska

    Wow, I have never seen orchids grow in such clusters like that. That’s very cool.

    1. Yeah, they were very unusual.

  4. Debbie S Wallace Avatar
    Debbie S Wallace

    What a magnificent world we live in. So glad you are taking it all in..and sharing…

    1. I’ve had that sentiment frequently during this journey!

  5. shannon clubb Avatar
    shannon clubb


    1. Me too. It’s definitely a happy place for me.

  6. Stacy Neuberger Avatar
    Stacy Neuberger

    Spectacular photos from a truly beautiful spot.

    1. Thanks Stacy. You’ve probably been there, I assume?

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