Based on the media coverage, I’m pretty sure the entire world knows by now that we didn’t get very far with our sail-away on Monday. We ended up anchoring just outside Belfast. Something to do with paperwork glitches, unfinished clearance, yada, yada, yada. The rest of the world seemed more bothered by it than we were; most of us were just happy to be on board, instead of hanging out in hotels in Belfast.
But today, we are on the move, headed toward Brest, France. After the endless delays, the sail-away party was extra sweet!

It’s a naval tradition to start off a voyage by smashing a bottle of champagne across the bow of the ship. Villa Vie CEO Mike did the honors.

Follow our path on:
18 responses to “Sail Away, For Real This Time”
So happy for you!! Looks like a wonderful group to be sailing with 🥰
They are! Should be an interesting 3 years.
Basia K wearing Basia T concert city tshirt at bon voyage party…a subliminal and sublime choice.
Isn’t it fabulous? The shirt says “London Warsaw New York” which I thought was absolutely perfect. Did you go to that concert with me, or am I remembering that wrong?
I’ll be watching. It’s all real now.
And NOW the planned adventure begins! Awaiting more photos, new Basia adventures and an enormous SMILE 🎉🎉🎉
Coming right up!
Hurray! Hurray! Awesome! Yes!!!!!!
Yes, that’s exactly what everyone on board was saying!
Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you that your patience has been rewarded, and I look forward to your posts about all the exciting places you’ll visit!!
Patience was definitely needed for this adventure!
I was watching the link you sent and wondered if it was broken when it stayed outside of Belfast. Now I’m excited to check again. Safe travels.
Yeah, it seems that Belfast didn’t want to let go of us. But we finally got away!
Bon voyage! 🛳️
Thank you…so looking forward to it